
Product Details: Butter Powder No. 10 Can
Dehydrated Real Butter PowderDehydrated Butter Powder is made from real, sweet cream butter. It adds mouthwatering flavor to popcorn, soups, sauces and vegetables, and it’s an excellent substitute for store-bought butter in recipes and baking. Unopened shelf life up to 10 years, recipes on can label. |
No Refrigeration. No Spoilage.In a crises situation, will your grocery store remain stocked with dairy products such as fresh eggs, milk and butter? It is unlikely. With Augason Farms Egg and Dairy products on hand you’ll eliminate your reliance on grocers and always have a nutritious and versatile way to keep your family healthy. |
Empty Cans Come in HandySteel cans are very useful once they’ve been emptied of their contents. The high-grade steel used for Augason Farms cans ensures they can be multi-purposed for emergency uses like growing herbs, reserving drinking water, storing prepared foods and leftovers, and protecting currency, important documents, and medications. |
Product Details: Butter Powder No. 10 Can
Durability of No. 10 CansLarge, No. 10 cans are an incredibly effective container for storing shelf stable food. Not only are they made from high-grade steel, but they are also airtight and made to survive just about any kind of emergency or disaster. They are pest proof and will keep their contents safe from the elements and any kind of exterior contamination. And, unopened cans will even float. |
Certified Gluten FreeProduct packaged at a certified gluten-free plant (to 10 ppm gluten or less) in accordance with the standards set by the GFCO (Gluten-Free Certification Organization). GFCO Certificate ID is 67825, dated December 31, 2017, and signed by Channon Quinn, Director of Industry Programs. Plant is owned and operated by Blue Chip Group. Augason Farms is a registered trademark of Blue Chip Group. |
Shelf Life 101The quality and taste of most Augason Farms products will last up to 20 or 30 years, however it varies based on food storage conditions and ingredients. Some products such as eggs, creamy soups and bread mixes have a shelf life up to 5 to 10 years. Extreme temperatures will deteriorate the quality and shelf life. For best results store in a cool and dry place at temperatures between 55°F and 70°F. |