
Tracking and Reading Sign: A Guide to Mastering the Original Forensic Science


This full-color book is the perfect guide for anyone interested in learning how to track animals and read their signs. It offers an introduction on the principals of tracking and reading sign by looking at tracks, prints, gaits, scats, scents, and animal behaviors. It provides the reader with tracking and stalking techniques such as cold hunting, camouflage, and using the stump method.

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Over twenty different animals are profiled, including New World Moose, American elk, and White-tailed deer. Each profile lists basic characteristics, tacks, habitat, diet, behaviors, and common relatives.
Tracking is the definitive one-stop guide for any person looking to track and read sign while exploring or hunting in the outdoors.

About the Author

Len McDougall is a field guide and wildlife tracker in Michigan’s north woods, where he teaches survival classes and tests outdoor products. He has written for Field & Stream and published several books, including
The Self-Reliance Manifesto,
The Complete Tracker,
The Encyclopedia of Tracks and Scats,
The Field & Stream Wilderness Survival Handbook, and
Practical Outdoor Survival.